Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Where to Change Settings


  • 1 Server Setup
    • 1.1 Dedicated Server System Requirements
    • 1.2 Dedicated Server Setup
  • 2 Server Settings
    • 2.1 Unexposed Server Settings
  • 3 Rollback
    • 3.1 Rename the existing game.db File
    • 3.2 Named copy
    • 3.3 Restart the server
  • 4 Notes
    • 4.1 Issues
  • 5 References
See also: Guide, Server Configuration/Useful links, Admin Panel.

Server Setup [ ]

See also: Official server hardware.

Dedicated Server System Requirements [ ]

Dedicated Server Setup [ ]

  • Dedicated Server Launcher.
  • How to get a Dedicated Server.
  • Dedicated Server Setup: Linux and Wine.
  • guide to setting up a windows Conan Exiles dedicated server

Server Settings [ ]

See also: Admin commands
  • The landclaimradius setting is currently missing ingame. This is not intended.[1]
  • StarvationTimeInMinutes does currently not save properly in the Server Settings.[2]
This section is updated to the latest manual version (v1.4). However, detailed usage and availability information is still missing. If you would like to contribute, please take a moment to check as much as possible. TheLOLxd2 (talk) 17:53, 27 August 2018 (UTC)
Title Setting Description Useable
Difficulty[3] Adjusts base settings for some categories to make the game more or less difficult. Typically adjusts sliders in the Combat, Survival, Harvesting and Purge tabs while other categories such as Progression, Crafting and Day/Night cycle are not changed. Difficulty presets for the server:
  • Civilized: Easy
  • Decadent: Normal
  • Barbaric: Hard
Title Setting Description Useable
Server Name ServerName The name of your server. Yes
Number of players N/A Maximum number of players (slider). ?
Map "Location of map to use". This is one of the following:
  • ConanSandBox: the default map.
  • a self-made map that is in the same folder. (there are no other default maps)
Message Of The Day ServerMessageOfTheDay Set message of the day here. Yes
Server password ServerPassword The server password can be changed here. Yes
Admin password AdminPassword This password gives administration rights. Yes
Make Admin

Main article: Admin Panel

Click 'Make Me Admin' and type in Admin password to get admin access on a server. ?
BattlEye Enabled IsBattlEyeEnabled This enables BattlEye cheat protection on the server. Funcom highly recommends this to avoid cheaters from affecting your gameplay. Yes
PVP Enabled PVPEnabled When this is flagged, Player vs Player is enabled on the server. (Default True) Yes
Time-Restrict PvP RestrictPVPTime When this is flagged, Player vs Player is only possible within the set time periods. Yes
PvP Blitz Enabled PVPBlitzServer[4] When this is enabled, progression is faster in order to get players into higher-tier PvP quicker. (Default False) Yes
Time-Restrict PvP Building Damage RestrictPVPBuildingDamageTime When this is flagged, players can only attack and destroy other player's structures within the set time periods. Yes
Community ServerCommunity Selecting a community from the drop down list will affect how your server is filtered in the server list. Please set up your community responsibly, in order to help players find a server that matches their playstyle.

You can choose from Purist, Relaxed, HardCore, RolePlaying and Experimental.

Server Region serverRegion Selecting a server region will affect how your server is filtered in the list. Please select your region to help players find a server that is close to them.
  • 0 = Europe
  • 1 = North America
  • 2 = Asia
  • 3 = Australia
  • 4 = South America
  • 5 = Japan
No Ownership NoOwnership Flagging this means that the ownership rules on the server do no exist. This means that all players can loot all chests, use all machines, dismantle all buildings etc. Yes
Containers Ignore Ownership ContainersIgnoreOwnership Flagging this means that all containers are open to other players, but enables optional locking of some chests. Yes
Can damage player owned structures CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures If this is flagged, players can attack and destroy other player's structures. Yes
Can Damage players bCanBeDamaged[4] If this is flagged, players can be damaged by other players. Yes
Enable Sandstorm EnableSandStorm Flagging this allows sandstorms to periodically sweep across the Exiled Lands. Yes
Clan Max Size clanMaxSize This sets the maximum allowable size of clans on the server. Once a clan reaches the limit, no new members can join. Yes
Tethering Distance In CO-OP game on a non-dedicated server, clients are tethered to the host player and the maximum distance can be set here. ?
Maximum Nudity MaxNudity

This setting determines the maximum amount of nudity on the server. This overrides the client preference, so if a server is set to no nudity, even if a player sets their client to full nudity, they will not be able to see nudity on this server. However, if a server allows full nudity, and a player sets their client to partial nudity, the client will correctly show only partial nudity.

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = partial
  • 2 = full
Server Voice Chat serverVoiceChat Select if the server should have an in-game voice chat or not. Yes
*Examples do not reflect actual values of XP received.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Player XP Rate Multiplier PlayerXPRateMultiplier This multiplier affects all types of XP that players receive. You can use this to adjust player progression for all activities.
  • 0.5 = 50 XP
  • 1.0 = 100 XP (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 150 XP
Player XP Time Multiplier PlayerXPTimeMultiplier In Conan Exiles, players receive XP passively over time, simply for surviving. This multiplies the speed at which players receive this XP.
  • 0.5 = 50 XP
  • 1.0 = 100 XP (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 150 XP
Player XP Kill Multiplier PlayerXPKillMultiplier This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for killing monsters and players in Conan Exiles.
  • 0.5 = 50 XP
  • 1.0 = 100 XP (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 150 XP
Player XP Harvest Multiplier PlayerXPHarvestMultiplier This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for harvesting in Conan Exiles.
  • 0.5 = 0.5 XP
  • 1.0 = 1 XP (Default)
  • 1.5 = 1.5 XP
Player XP Craft Multiplier PlayerXPCraftMultiplier This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for crafting in Conan Exiles.
  • 0.5 = 50 XP
  • 1.0 = 100 XP (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 150 XP
*Defaults refer to example values and not the actual default durations.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Day Cycle Speed DayCycleSpeedScale This multiplies the entire 24hr day cycle speed. Individual parts of the day can be tweaked in the settings below. Note, this multiplier is applied in addition to any settings changes below.
  • 0.5 = 60 minutes
  • 1.0 = 30 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 15 minutes
Day Time Speed DayTimeSpeedScale Daytime hours in Conan Exiles are between 7:00 and 16:59 in-game time. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent between these hours of the day.
  • 0.5 = 30 minutes
  • 1.0 = 15 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 7.5 minutes
Night Time Speed NightTimeSpeedScale Nighttime hours in Conan Exiles are between 19:00 and 4:59 in-game time. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent between these hours of the night.
  • 0.5 = 20 minutes
  • 1.0 = 10 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 5 minutes
Dawn/Dusk Time Speed DawnDuskSpeedScale Dawn in Conan Exiles is between 5:00 and 6:59. Dusk is between 17:00 and 18:59. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent in the period of both dawn and dusk.
  • 0.5 = 5 minutes
  • 1.0 = 2.5 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 1.25 minutes
Use Catch Up Time UseClientCatchUpTime[4] Enables or disables the use of Catch up time mechanics on the server.
  • False: will disallow the catch up time, causing new players to spawn in at whatever time the server actually exists at.
  • True (*Default)
Catch Up Time ClientCatchUpTime In order to create a smooth starting experience for new players, Conan Exiles has the ability to force a client PC to start at a certain time of day, regardless of the server time. If this setting is applied, new characters will start at the specified time, and then play at that time of day until the server "catches up" to them. We recommend not setting this to the darkest hours of the night, unless you are a sadistic person. 12.00 will have the player playing at noon until the server rolls back around to noon the next day. Yes
*Defaults refer to example values and not the actual default rates/values.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Stamina Cost Multiplier StaminaCostMultiplier Increases or decreases the amount of stamina players use per action.
  • 0.5 = 5 Stamina spent
  • 1.0 = 10 stamina spent (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 15 stamina spent
Player Active Thirst Multiplier PlayerActiveThirstMultiplier Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses water while active.
  • 0.5 = 1.0 Water loss / second
  • 1.0 = 2.0 Water loss / second (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 3.0 Water loss / second
Player Active Hunger Multiplier PlayerActiveHungerMultiplier Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses food while active.
  • 0.5 = 1.0 Food loss / second
  • 1.0 = 2.0 Food loss / second (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 3.0 Food loss / second
Player Idle Thirst Multiplier PlayerIdleThirstMultiplier Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses water while idle.
  • 0.5 = 1.0 Water loss / second
  • 1.0 = 2.0 Water loss / second (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 3.0 Water loss / second
Player Idle Hunger Multiplier PlayerIdleHungerMultiplier Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses food while idle.
  • 0.5 = 1.0 Food loss / second
  • 1.0 = 2.0 Food loss / second (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 3.0 Food loss / second
Logged out characters remain in world LogoutCharactersRemainInTheWorld If flagged/True, player bodies remain in the world in an unconscious state. If unflagged/False, player bodies are gone from the world when offline. (Default: True) Yes
Drop Equipment on Death DropEquipmentOnDeath If True, players who are killed drop their equipped items when they respawn. If False, players who die will respawn with all of their equipment. (Default True) Yes
Everybody can loot corpse EverybodyCanLootCorpse If True, anybody can loot the corpse of a dead player. If False, only the player can recover items from their corpse. (Default True) Yes
Thrall Corruption Removal Multiplier ThrallCorruptionRemovalMultiplier Raising this increases the speed at which thrall entertainers

remove player corruption. Lowering it decreases the speed.

Player Corruption Gain Multiplier PlayerCorruptionGainMultiplier It multiplies corruption given to players. Yes
*Defaults refer to example values and not the actual default damage/times.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Player Damage Multiplier PlayerDamageMultiplier Multiplies the amount of damage that a player does.
  • 0 = No damage dealt
  • 0.5 = 10 Damage dealt
  • 1.0 = 20 Damage dealt (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 Damage dealt
Player Damage Taken Multiplier PlayerDamageTakenMultiplier Multiplies the amount of damage that a player receives.
  • 0 = No damage taken
  • 0.5 = 10 Damage taken
  • 1.0 = 20 Damage taken (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 Damage taken
NPC Damage Multiplier NPCDamageMultiplier Multiplies the amount of damage that NPCs and Monsters do.
  • 0 = No damage dealt
  • 0.5 = 10 Damage dealt
  • 1.0 = 20 Damage dealt (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 Damage dealt
  • .01 x playerlevelregion
NPC Damage Taken Multiplier NPCDamageTakenMultiplier Multiplies the amount of damage that NPCs and Monsters receive.
  • 0 = No damage taken
  • 0.5 = 10 Damage taken
  • 1.0 = 20 Damage taken (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 Damage taken
  • .01 x playerlevelregion
Thrall Damage To Players Multiplier ThrallDamageToPlayersMultiplier Multiplies the amount of damage that thralls do to players.
  • 0.5 = 10 damage dealt
  • 1.0 = 20 damage dealt (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 damage dealt
NPC Respawn Multiplier NPCRespawnMultiplier Multiplies the speed at which NPCs respawn in the world after dying. Note that currently many NPCs DO NoT respect this value.
  • 0.5 = 15 seconds
  • 1.0 = 30 seconds (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 45 seconds
Friendly Fire Damage Multiplier FriendlyFireDamageMultiplier Raising this increases the amount of damage a player deals to a friendly player. Lowering it decreases the amount. Yes
Building Damage Multiplier BuildingDamageMultiplier Raising this increases the amount of damage a building receives. Lowering it decreases the amount. Yes
Durability Damage Multiplier DurabilityMultiplier Modifies the amount of durability damage that an item takes when used or damaged. Increasing or decreasing this directly affects how long weapons, tools and armor will last. Note: This is bugged and has been for a long time, it actually only affects weapons and shields (including truncheons) unless you use a mod that fixes it.
  • 0 = Invulnerable weapons/tools
  • 0.5 = 5 durability lost per hit
  • 1.0 = 10 durability lost per hit (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 15 durability lost per hit
Thrall Wakeup Time ThrallWakeupTime This determines the length of time that a Thrall will remain unconscious.
  • 300 = Wake after 5 minutes
  • 600 = Wake after 10 minutes (*Default)
  • 900 = Wake after 15 minutes
Avatar Lifetime AvatarLifetime This determines the length of time that an Avatar can remain alive in the world.
  • 30 = 30 seconds
  • 60 = 60 seconds (*Default)
  • 90 = 90 seconds
Unclear if working?
Disable Avatars AvatarsDisabled
  • Flagged/True: Avatars cannot be summoned on this server.
  • False (*Default)
Time-Restrict Avatar Summoning When this is flagged, avatars can only be summoned within the set time periods. Yes
Enable Auto Facing on attack Activates the autotargeting system when using gamepad. Yes
Enable Target Lock Activates the target lock system making it possible to lock on to enemies and neutrals. Yes
Disable Landclaim Notifications[5] DisableLandclaimNotifications=True
  • True: Disables notifcations.
  • False: Enables notifications.
*Defaults refer to example values and not the actual default rates/values.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Item Spoil Rate Scale ItemSpoilRateScale Affects the length of time that foods will last before spoiling (smaller values means items last longer before spoiling).
  • 0.5 = 4 minutes
  • 1.0 = 2 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 1 minutes
Harvest Amount Multiplier HarvestAmountMultiplier Multiplies the amount of resources gathered when harvesting.
  • 0.5 = 5 Resources
  • 1.0 = 10 Resources (Default)
  • 2.0 = 15 Resources
Resource Respawn Speed Multiplier ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier Multiplies the speed at which resources respawn after being harvested. (Works opposite of NPC respawn multiplier despite tooltip and manual description)
  • 0.5 = 30 minutes
  • 1.0 = 15 minutes (*Default) 1
  • 1.5 = 7.5 minutes
Land Claim Radius Multiplier LandClaimRadiusMultiplier This increases and decreases the radius at which land claim is applied. This affects the respawn of resources and NPCs as well as the ability of other players to claim nearby land.
  • 0.5 = 10 feet
  • 1.0 = 20 feet (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 30 feet

1* Resource respawn times can vary based on the resource, but 15 minutes is a good rule of thumb.

*Defaults refer to example values and not the actual default rates/values.
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Crafting Time Multiplier CraftingTimeMultiplier Raising this increases the duration it takes to craft items. Lowering it decreases crafting time.
  • 0.5 = 5 minutes
  • 1.0 = 10 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 15 minutes
Thrall Crafting Time Multiplier ThrallCraftingTimeMultiplier Raising this increases the time it takes to train a thrall. Lowering it decreases training time.
  • 0.5 = 30 minutes
  • 1.0 = 60 minutes (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 90 minutes
Fuel Burn Time Multiplier FuelBurnTimeMultiplier Raising this increases the time fuel units burn. Lowering it decreases fuel burn time.
  • 0.5 = 7.5 seconds
  • 1.0 = 10 seconds (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 15 seconds
Crafting Cost Multiplier CraftingCostMultiplier This multiplies the amount of resources needed to craft an item
  • 0.5 = 100 wood
  • 1.0 = 200 wood (*Default)
  • 1.5 = 300 wood
Title Setting Description Examples Useable
Disable Building Abandonment DisableBuildingAbandonment If flagged, disables decay on buildings over time. Yes
Building Decay Time Multiplier BuildingDecayTimeMultiplier Raising this increases the time it takes for building pieces and structures to decay. Lowering it decreases the decay time. Yes
Title Setting Description Useable
Chat Local Radius ChatLocalRadius Sets at what radius local chat will broadcast around a player in centimeters. Yes
Max Message Length ChatMaxMessageLength Sets the max number of characters in a chat message. Yes
Chat Has Global ChatHasGlobal Allows/disallows global chat. The in-game chat has a global channel all players can speak in. Yes
This is the intended behaviour of each setting.[6] For additional notes, see The Purge.
Title Setting Description Useable
Enable Purge EnablePurge Unchecking will completely disable purge events. Yes
Purge Level PurgeLevel Raising this increases the purge difficulty level. Example:
  • 0: will disable Purges.[7]
Purges per day PurgePeriodicity Raising this increases the number of times a purge will be triggered in a real day. The actual number of purges is also dependent on the various settings below. Unclear if working?
Restrict Purge Time RestrictPurgeTime If flagged, purges will be restricted to set times. Yes
PurgeTimeWeekdayEnd The value 0000 means 00:00 oclock is the weekday end time.[8] Yes
PurgeTimeWeekdayStart The value 0000 means 00:00 oclock is the weekday start time.[8] Yes
PurgeTimeWeekendEnd The value 0000 means 00:00 oclock is the weekend end time.[8] Yes
PurgeTimeWeekendStart The value 0000 means 00:00 oclock is the weekend start time.[8] Yes
Purge Time Restrictions The Purge will only take place during the times specified. Yes
PurgeRestrictionWeekdayEnd Yes
PurgeRestrictionWeekdayStart The value 0830 means 08:30 oclock is the weekday start time.[8] Yes
PurgeRestrictionWeekendEnd The value 2200 means 22:00 oclock is the weekend end time.[8] Yes
PurgeRestrictionWeekendStart The value 1800 means 18:00 oclock is the weekend start time.[8] Yes
Purge Preparation Time PurgePreparationTime Raising this increases the time in minutes between The Purge warning and the start of the purge. Yes
Purge Duration PurgeDuration Raising this increases the maximum time The Purge will last. If you kill all of the waves a purge can complete sooner Yes
Minimum Number of Online Players MinPurgeOnlinePlayers Raising this will make purges only occur when the set number of players are online. If set to zero, the Purge will attack any clan above the Purge Meter threshold (offline Purges). Yes
Allow Building AllowBuilding If flagged, building is allowed during purges. Yes
Purge Meter Trigger Value ClanPurgeTrigger Raising this increases the amount of different selected actions clans or players can do until they are eligible to be purged. In general, the higher the number, the longer a clan needs to be active in order to trigger The Purge. Yes
Purge Meter Update Interval ClanScoreUpateFrenquency This is the interval that clan Purge events are aggregated, and the scores are added to the Purge Meter. Lower numbers will raise the clan meter more quickly. Yes
PurgeNPCBuildingDamageMultiplier[9] Raising this will increase damage inflicted by NPCs during a Purge. Examples:
  • 5.000000
  • 10.000000
  • 15.000000
  • 20.000000
  • 25.000000
Unclear if working?
Title Setting Description Useable
Enable Hunger System: Thralls ToggleHungerSystemThralls Toggles the hunger system for thralls. Unclear if working?
Enable Hunger System: Pets ToggleHungerSystemPets Toggles the hunger system for pets. Unclear if working?
Food Nutrition Value FoodNutritionValue The amount of nutrition the companion gain from eating food. Unclear if working?
Starvation Time In Minutes StarvationTimeInMinutes The amount of minutes it takes for companion hunger gauges to go from 100 to 0.
  • Default = 10080
Unclear if working?
Starvation Damage Penalty Cap StarvationDamagePenaltyCap When a companion's hunger gauge reaches 0, they start taking damage to their health. This value determines how much health can be removed in total, given in percent where 1 means 100% of the health. Unclear if working?
Animal Pen Crafting Time Multiplier AnimalPenCraftingTimeMultiplier Multiplies the speed of crafting in animal pens. Unclear if working?
Food Container Range multiplier FeedBoxRangeMultiplier Multiplies the distance that Food Containers can feed your companions. Yes
Exclusive Diet ExclusiveDiet Determines whether companions exclusively eat items listed on their diet. Disabled means they will eat any food item, in addition to their diet. Unclear if working?
Title Setting Description Useable
Region Block List RegionBlockList These settings use an IP lookup to determine the connection country of origin and prevent those regions not flagged for access from connection. Country codes can also be manually added, using the two letter codes from the list here ?

Unexposed Server Settings [ ]

Caution - These settings remain hidden for a reason. These can have an extremely negative impact on your gameplay experience. Use with caution.

Rollback [ ]

Note: Your dedicated server host may have their own rollback feature. [14]

Pick one of the game_backup_##.db files in the /ConanSandbox/Saved folder.

They are in order by the ## in the file name, and you can also check the date and time stamps shown in the file manager. The server will normally make auto-saves 5 minutes apart.

Rename the existing game.db File [ ]

This step is optional.

At the end of this process, you will be renaming the auto-save file to game.db. When you do that, it will erase the existing game.db file and you won't receive any warning about it being erased. If you want to keep a copy of the original game.db file then re-name it first, just in case you change your mind or it turns out you didn't really need to roll back the server at all.

To rename the file, select it in the file manager, and click the "rename" button. Just tack something onto the end or beginning, like "old". As long as it doesn't have the same exact name it won't be erased.

Named copy [ ]

If you're not sure exactly which auto-save to roll back to, you might have to perform this operation several times a row. If you're renaming the auto-saves one by one as you go, you're basically erasing them as you go.

We highly recommend you make a copy of each file, and then rename the copy. Leave the original files there, just in case you made an error deciding on which auto-save you needed, and have to start all over from the beginning.

On the Nodecraft control panel, you can select one of the auto-saves, and then click the "copy" button. Select "up one folder" and it will be moved to the ConanSandbox. Then click the "rename" button, and change the file name to game.db.

Restart the server [ ]

When the server starts up next time, it will load the game.db file that you re-named, and restore the entire server to that point. If it wasn't restored to the correct point you wanted (ie, it didn't fix whatever was so bad it made you want to roll back the server), then just repeat this whole procedure but with a different auto-save file.

Once you have it all restored correctly, the game will start making new auto-saves from that point on. You can choose the leave the other auto-saves on the server, and they will overwritten as the server continues to run.

Notes [ ]

  • Currently 'Weather Severity' and 'Wind Severity' seem to be still experimental. They're leftovers from previous design iterations. It's more likely for these settings to remain this way rather than being fully implemented features, so use at your own risk![15]
  • A Linux build for setting up servers is currently a cancelled feature.
  • The "PvP Fast", "PvE Fast", "PvP Mayhem", "PvP Blitz" and official server monthly wipes are cancelled features from different phases of Early Access development.

Issues [ ]

  • You might not ever see your own server on the list in-game. Steam only queries the first 5000 servers and displays those in the in-game lists for all Steam games.
  1. Favorite your own server in Steam to verify if it is up.
  2. If you still are not able to see it, try searching the servers' number manually.
  • Removing a mod from the server and using the same database may cause issues. When you remove a mod, those mods leave a lot of garbage behind, which the game does not know what to do with. This can cause undesired effects. Removing a mod is sometimes paired with wiping the database clean for a fresh start.

References [ ]

  1. "Land claim radius slider is missing from Server Settings" nicolev, Trello - November 27, 2018
  2. "StarvationTimeInMinutes in admin settings does not save properly" nicolev, Trello - November 27, 2018
  3. Setting the difficulty on a server
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Unexposed Server Settings: There are many server settings that are not exposed in the Server Setting UI. To view a full list, open the console; Insert or `) and type GetAllServerSettings.
    Caution - These settings remain hidden for a reason. These can have an extremely negative impact on your gameplay experience. Use with caution.
  5. Cattibria, December 26, 2018 (8:20 PM GMT)- #community-assistance, CE:AU discord
  6. Purge 101
  7. "Level zero will turn purge system off." from ingame.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 "Purge Settings Question - Cannot get the Purge to Launch - GPortal Rental Server - Xbox" Valkyrja, Funcom Forums - May 21, 2018
  9. Not listed on the forums post. May be an unexposed setting.
  10. Unexposed server settings were originally retrieved from the technical manual.
  11. Ignasis, Funcom Forums - November 22, 2019
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Ignasis, Funcom Forums - March 10, 2020
  13. bbtech, Funcom Forums - August 1, 2020
  14. Nodecraft Staff, Nodecraft - January 23, 2020
  15. Ignasis, Funcom Forums - May 7, 2019

Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Where to Change Settings


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